In order to serve you better and ensure that we have all information needed to submit to your insurance and track it on your behalf, we ask that you give us your insurance policy information by filling out our Direct Billing checklist.

For your first visit, please arrive 15 minutes early so that we can create your profile. This will make the process seamless and will minimize waiting at the desk for your future treatments.

We are pleased to offer a Direct Billing to the following insurance companies:

Facts about
Direct Billing:

How does Direct Billing work?

You give us your policy number/ID and we submit it through the web portal. The portal will give us the exact amount that your benefits plan pay; you will need to pay the remaining portion of the visit that isn’t covered, if anything.

Will I need to pay anything?

You will pay the portion of the treatment cost that the insurance company doesn’t pay, according to the portal reply.  For example, if you have coverage for 80% of your $75 visit fee, you will pay $15 (the portal will “pay” the remaining $60 to the clinic). Payment amounts depend on your individual coverage and portal response.  There may also be a deductible that you have to pay before coverage begins.  Check with your insurance company.

Can you check what my exact coverage is or how many visits are covered?

The submission portal is designed for clinics to create submissions in real time; it is not designed to check statements/limits/policies etc. It works very similar to a credit card terminal – it can collect the payment but it cannot check the card balance.

If you want to check your coverage, remaining balance, deductible or other benefits related policies, please contact your insurance provider directly.

Can I use direct billing to prepay for future appointments?

No, we can only direct bill for a treatment that already took place.

Why do Insurance companies provide different coverage for their members?

Each plan is individual to the member. Insurance companies can have many different plans. For example, we have seen Blue Cross cover as little as 10% of the treatment cost up to 100% coverage.

What if my plan covers 100%?

Yay!  You won’t have to pay anything!

Do I get a receipt if you direct bill for me?

You will get a receipt only for the portion that you pay.  For example, if you have 100% coverage, you will not get a receipt.  If you have 80% coverage, you will get a receipt for the 20% remaining balance that you pay.

Are all of Refine Wellness Therapists registered for Direct Billing?

Generally yes. It is possible however, when the Therapist is new to the clinic or they are a student, that the registration is pending and it may not be available yet. We always make every effort to ensure that all of our newest members get registered ASAP.  If your Therapist is not yet registered at the time of treatment, we will ask that you pay for your treatment cost up front and submit to your company personally.  We will assist in any way possible.

How does Direct Billing work?

Once we have your profile updated with your insurance information, we will be able to Direct Bill to your insurance company.  Keep in mind, every insurance plan is different so there may or may not be a co-payment or a deductible.

The Payment portal will give us the exact amount that the insurance company will pay and you are responsible for whatever amounts are not paid by the insurance company at the time of treatment.

If, for some reason, the insurance portal is down, we will bill you the full amount and ask that you submit to the company when their payment portal is back on line.

Please be aware that we cannot guarantee direct billing at every appointment.  This could be due to issues with individual insurance plans, problems with the submission portal, or clinic administration considerations.

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